I´ve also found that rushing botrk gives more early game power, but wouldn´t recommend it unless is a bruiser vs bruiser matchup since botrk doesn´t have it´s active anymore so you can´t use it. The fact the dash range is longer doesn't change anything, it was long enough in the first place, you just end up losing damage in the process. very weak against multiple people more than some other heroes. I like the damage, get consistent results. 625 / 4% maximum health over 1 second. 21) Watch. Then next item is either Titanic Hydra, Thornmail, and in some rare instances, Spirit Visage. Garen was never the best sheen user anyways, his cooldowns are a tad too long. ; Halting Slash deals area damage, and thus will trigger spell effects. When out of combat for 8 seconds, Tryndamere loses 5 fury every second. You can just run down people with the slow and bonus movement speed with your R and fury DMG oppressive early game. After you used it, the enemy's have a 90sec window to punish you hard for not having mobility. Kaisa and trist are just strong against all comps. Volibear top has a 50. E - Stridebreaker - Q, It removes the q animation lock which allows you to instantly use other abilities during the q animation. throwawayjhu5482 • 3 yr. Utility Pyke. Within 5 seconds of being active, Sett ’s next two autos will both gain 50 bonus attack range (does not stack with Right Punch range) and will deal 10/20/30/50 AD and an additional 1% of the target’s maximum health (scaling by 1/1. Most picked runes for Tryndamere Top are Lethal Tempo, Triumph,. Trinity Force is not seen as a. And you have to recognize: Bruiser are balanced through the fact that they CAN'T get near their enemy that easy. A rush strat followed by Korean Yasuo players, you will have 1. While the other three are unpopular, Stridebreaker is quite the opposite. worked out well to be honest, the early sustain and 300 hp felt nice along side the move speed. Advice welcome :) 113. 5 / 12. 04 % less often than would be expected. Based on our analysis of 22 563 matches in patch 13. With Stridebreaker, BoRK is mandatory, but it's absolutely OP. This build is aggressive and rewarding since a single kill is all you need in solo queue to start going off. VS. 286. 1% max health (depending on level) every 5 seconds if he has not been damaged or hit with enemy abilities in the last 8 seconds. Tryndamere vs Kai'Sa Build. With the new items around the corner, I have been playing on the PBE learning the new layout. 5. League of Legends Premiere Kai'Sa Strategy Builds and Tools. 19% WR. Stridebreaker has made Rek’Sai stronger and has allowed her to act as a bruiser. ago. There's a reason Goredrinker, Kraken Slayer and Immortal Shieldbow are more popular AND have higher winrates. 60. Bonus: +10% Attack Speed. 71. Note: Kai'sa's abilities scale with Attack Damage, Ability Power and Attack Speed. Stridebreaker's attack speed and phage passive definitely make Aatrox feel better, but I wanted to see what you guys think? There’s too many factor to just say “3% increase = Stridebreaker better. Compare that to a Kaisa who instead went kraken rageblade. 23 the best build for Nocturne is Stridebreaker, Plated Steelcaps, Black Cleaver, Death's Dance, and Guardian Angel. If Gnar lands on a unit he will bounce off it, traveling further. Stridebreaker had a 15 second cooldown with a stat profile extremely similar to Goredrinker. CONS. Is stridebreaker viable if they have 2 ranged? Patch 13. “VOU FAZER NA MINHA SOLOQ E RECOMENDO A TODOS: BANAM KAISA ANTES QUE TENHA UMA DE STRIDEBREAKER NO GAME DE VOCÊS. We've analyzed 961 Briar Jungle games to compile our statistical Briar Build Guide. ARAM. I'll let the video speak for itself though. GA, Everfrost (it's a channel), Prowler's Claw, Hextech, Stridebreaker, Goredrinker and maybe something else) This thread is archived New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be. Cleave's on-hit damage benefits from life steal. • 14 days ago. Stridebreaker is better for 1v1 fights where you can kite melee opponents who would otherwise destroy you (jax. GG: newer, smarter, and more up-to-date runes and mythic item builds than any other site. Now? They just build it bc they're conditioned to build it. 95 / 3. Got a jagras skink starpriest and finished the details on the brachy-bastaliodon. I think Stridebreaker is a trap, doesn't give any survival in fights. While I don't care about the active damage reduced (hell i would even take the item without active damage at. 25 / 3. . 100. 35K subscribers in the settmains community. However, stridebreaker champs have a different weakness now. Build ARAM Arena Nexus Blitz Pro. good long range poke and burst damage and kill ability. Join. 13. Darius Top has a 50. I have tried both playstyles of stridebreaker and splitpushing or dueling etc. Darius had very balanced winrates at the end of season 10. 5. Stridebreaker and Triforce are equally good depending on team comp. The Nocturne build for Jungle is Stridebreaker and Lethal Tempo. They both have a lot of mobility, do a lot of damage and both scale pretty well. They had Vayne, Darius, Lillia which are worthy to mention. VS. The best Fiora players have a 57. Hecarim cleaves nearby enemies for 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160 (+0. Trinity Force (Dueling)The thing of fluidity is that Gore active has a slightly longer cast time, which sometimes gives the enemy some time to walk away because of the cast, while stridebreaker doesn't interrupt movement that much. 3% mspeed x legendary. Tier: Good / A Avg Place: 3. If you're fancy I guess you can also use the active to dodge skillshots, but I almost never do it because I'm a boomer. GG analyzes millions of LoL matches to give you the best LoL champion build. So guess what build I tried today. Stridebreaker was a mistake . Shen build with the highest winrate runes and items in every role. R. 21 includes runes, items, skill order, and counters. 82 Top 463. Darius is getting a nerf though. 47%. Most of Garen's dueling potential does not come from AAs or Qs, it comes from his E. After normalising both champions win rates Tryndamere wins against Kai'Sa 2. This guide has not yet been updated for the current season. Based on our analysis of 21 835 matches in patch 13. For runes, the strongest choice is Domination. Halting Slash AD ratio reduced to. Troll or not build? Core is stride breaker collector wits end. basically the people experimenting and using stridebreaker are high-skilled players, they're more likely to win than a bronze player and more likely to choose stridebreaker over a typical "adc" item. Better data, smarter filters, more regions: Kai'Sa probuilds reimagined. r/ADCMains. Nocturne Jungle has a 52. Stridebreaker + Dead man’s + sterraks is impossible for a carry to get away from and a simple Q - E - R from Garen is enough to delete any squishy hp. But lets be clear here. Stridebreaker used to since the beginning of preseason and was also castable during snares. Stridebreaker better when a lot of ranged so you slow them to get closer. Never played any attack builds in the endgame. stridebreaker will also receive a change. Bouncing off an enemy deals 50 / 85 / 120 / 155 / 190 plus 6% of max health as physical damage and briefly slows by 80% for 0. Kai'Sa wins against Ezreal 49. AOE Damage increased from 75% tAD to 150% tAD. If you tend to miss your opponents by the inch of a hair or tend to be a millisecond too slow, then Stridebreaker is the perfect Item for your inventory. Stridebreaker this item makes it really hard to kite Darius. Based on our analysis of 132 768 matches in patch 13. Darius Abilities. 52 % higher against Kai'Sa than the average opponent. This LoL Briar guide for Jungle at Platinum+ on 13. Find the best Kai'Sa decks for the current Legends of Runeterra meta, created and rated by players like you! Get a full deck breakdown including decklist, build, mana curve, card rarities, and which region and champion combinations are best for Kai'Sa decks. 40% Pick1. Stridebreaker > boots > Black Cleaver Anathema's chains > Titanic Hydra. 5/3% per 100AD). 60 Attack Damage. 80. TFT Guardbreaker Item Guide Set 10 Patch 13. x. I was not saying it was just as bad as Stridebreaker. Welcome to the METAsrc Teamfight Tactics Guardbreaker Item build guide. Then you can round out your build with Warmogs, Randuins, Steraks, Frozen heart, Dead man's, etc. 4 second period (based on bonus attack speed), the first dealing 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 (+ 30% AD) physical damage to all enemies in an arc and the second dealing 40 / 75 / 110 / 145 / 180 (+ 75% AD) damage and slowing. CryptoStridebreaker is the best item for Kled. ; Halting Slash's cast breaks stealth. 22 Build Build Runes Nexus Blitz ARAM Counters Leaderboards Pro Builds More Stats Filters Rec. Hence why I am not a fun of a non-crit mythic. It's scaling is pretty similar for ult and E. Thirsting Slash is blocked by spell shield. Divine. Find the best Kai'Sa build guides for League of Legends S13 Patch 13. There's a reason why Stridebreaker was removed first. trinitys passive WAS really good. stride breaker's problem is that the active is useless. Then for my final two items, I built Sterak's into Black Cleaver. Well. You could play with your team, use your macro a lot more and actually be a champion without your summoner spells. Boots. I have been on the Stridebreaker band wagon lately, though I personally think it's better against squishier teams. League of Legends Premiere Kai'Sa Strategy Builds and Tools. Items: Stridebreaker, defensive boots, Titanic Hydra, Edge of Night, Guardian Angel. In most cases Trinity Force is a superior item for trading, splitting and just overall. Not Updated For Current Season. Sett Counters. Notes. 875 / 3. Inner turrets in side lanes (top and bottom) now grant an additional 250 local gold. Tried only turbo for movement speed warwick (i got fed early, but you definitely need titanic, you cannot cheap out on that) Yes, stridebreaker is by far the most. Alternate Vayne Build (Theory) Build Path: Starting Items ( Doran's blade / Boots 4 pots against poke and harder matchups)=> Berserker's Greaves=> PD ( Swords before Zeal)=>Guinsoo=>Stridebreaker ( The item change feels like it's a viable defensive mythic for some Marksmen such as kog vayne and Ez)=> Situational items ( Wit's end seems. Patch 13. ALWAYS the first item you buy on Yasuo gives attack speed to lower Steel Tempest cd and movement speed to build your Way of the Wanderer a lot quicker. Health: 300 ⇒ 375Always at some point, depending on how much mana you need during lane. 65 / 2. 98. Updated hourly. Both give a Gap closer but prowler puts you behind the target and both give damage, it just depends on the individuals playstyle. 6 seconds. 66 % lower against Kai'Sa than the average opponent. Bruiser item are the only items you don't see champs cycling trough tho. It is currently being abused by most of the top lane champions, even with the nerf on patch 11. Find the best Kai'Sa decks for the current Legends of Runeterra meta, created and rated by players like you! Get a full deck breakdown including decklist, build, mana curve, card rarities, and which region and champion combinations are best for Kai'Sa decks. 3%. To perform this I pointed my cursor back right after i pressed E (you have to press the button sequence quite fast honestly). The reason why I go stridebreaker is not because it is good, but because in my opinion it is the best option for kled right now. To have the best chance of vanquishing Kai'Sa as Garen, you should use the Phase Rush, Nimbus Cloak, Celerity, Gathering Storm, Second Wind, and Overgrowth runes from the Sorcery and Resolve rune sets. Duskblade of Draktharr's mythic passive can grant up to 25 ability haste and 25 bonus movement speed with 5 other Legendary items. It's a faster doublecast, if you will. 26% WR. 55% WR. A champion that has very high mobility is perfect when it comes to synergizing with Shen’s ultimate. Miss Fortune Stuns as the SI Swimsuit Cover Girl in her Pool Party fit (BobaDelivery) 130. Situation 2: If u hardwinning ur lane, ur enemy can stay under turret and stop your snowballing. ; All turret inventories. Yommu's felt pretty decent, I couldn't get Duskblade to work. 527 upvotes · 34 comments. I tested the damage difference from a full combo where I did the same. 375 Health. Runes: Conqueror, Triumph, Tenacity, Coup de Grace, Magical Footwork, Cosmic Insight, Attack Speed, Adaptive Force, and armor. I love sett and have been playing for some months now. Learn more about Kai'Sa's abilities, skins, or even ask your own questions to the community! Can someone please explain this stridebreaker Kaisa build from Loken? (wtf) I've never seen smth like this b4 in my life?? Lil bro went dirk + ironspike whip for Q ev???? Opponents are 3 ranged (jax viego neeko ezreal bard) so he can't even use the active for dmg? Ult in and stridebreaker so people can’t get away? #Stridebreaker #crit dmg #crit #hit&run #lol #kaisa #build #new #Stridebreaker ##tank #adc #卡莎 #凯莎 #出装 #新版本 #特效 #挺进破坏者 Stats +60 attack damage +20 ability haste +20% attack speed +375 health Active Unique – Halting Slash: Deal 175% base AD physical damage to enemies in a 450 radius centered around you and slow them by 40% for 3 seconds. Stridebreaker: Dash range increased from 200 to 300 Active damage lowered from 100% AD to 75% AD Slow decreased from 65% to 40%. Stride breaker has multiple benefits for Hecarim. Now, with stridebreaker, it feels like we can never be aggressive against the enemy unless they miss/waste their abilities including stridebreaker. Sterak’s Gage (legendary item):Stridebreaker was for bruisers to dash onto someone and then run him down, while Galeforce is a tool for an ADC to reposition in a teamfight. Thirsting Slash has a brief cast time equal to 100% of the caster's attack windup. 개요 [편집] 신화급 (Mythic) 아이템은 챔피언별로 한 게임에서 하나만 보유할 수 있으며, 신화급 지속 효과로 해당 챔피언이 보유한 전설급 아이템 의 수에 비례해 추가로 능력치를 부여한다. Hitting an enemy champion with an attack or ability extends this. Happy Halloween!Sanguine Blade/Stridebreaker is super good if you intend to split all day (probably stride/hullbreaker next patch, it honestly might get better), because Sanguine Blade gives you a ton of dueling power and Stride lets you stick to immobile toplaners who overstep and run them down, as well as to safely push up just a little harder than usual. 40% Pick1. You gain movement. 13 [] Client []. . It's good for extending your engages, like an E>Active>Ult, as well as helping you run away. Mvisioning. Triforce feels okay, but I hate how long it takes to come online and the build path feels subpar. E. Kai'Sa build guides on MOBAFire. It gives everything you need. For instance, people are catching up to the best way to counter a ranged champions going top: Stridebreaker. E-W-Q-Stridebreaker-Flash. New Stridebreaker actually looks pretty busted. As i said it was a combination of stats and the dash. 22 includes runes, items, skill order, and counters. Based on our analysis of 138 551 matches in patch 13. DE QUALQUER JEITO, BANAM! VAMOS. The Briar build for Jungle is Stridebreaker and Conqueror. Also, I tend to go immortal shield bow when I go hail of blades. Patch 11. In general you could say goredrinker is superior since Briar has 2 dashes and a stun, combined with BorK i don't think you'd need stride's slow unless there's A LOT of mobility and range and you can't really gapclose with just W+Q. That being said, it's definitely solid in lanes where you need to win early and. 68 seconds cd on your Steel Tempest combined with Berserker's Greaves, 38% crit and also 7% movement speed. Fiora Build Fiora Top Build, Runes & Counters. Time for kaisa to join bruiser mythic meta xD? Vote. active and bonus stats helps you stick to the target and statcheck better but say goodbye to ever being able to kill a kaisa ReplyTryndamere Top has a 51. The best Kai'Sa players have a 54. The good thing was that Stridebreaker kinda gave him a different playstyle. 5 / 17 / 14. Hydra is good for wave clear/damage. Kai'Sa than with many other common builds. HP>resistances so just get tabi and call it good. It was from 11. Stridebreaker's mythic passive can grant up to 10% bonus movement speed with 5 other Legendary items. r/GarenMains. GG a few months ago. 70s less, and W being 1. Stridebreaker gives u all the stats that are ACTUALLY good on Ashe: Attack Speed, Solid AD, 20 Haste, 300 Health, Movement Speed Passive. The extra health helps our tankiness by boosting our max health and increasing heals from Q and shields from items such as steraks or gargoyles. Dash Removed. (and have been for months but with low pickrates), aphelios and kaisa can run it situationally (lower pickrates but still. But it's actually increasing in playrate by a lot this patch. That aside, Stridebreaker is great into squishy champs whos best source of escaping Tryndamere is kiting backwards. 22 coming in at rank 42 of 96 and graded B+ Tier on the LoL Tierlist. Situation 1: If u hardlosing ur lane stay under turret. however they increase the ability haste to 20 from 10. In addition, dealing physical damage grants extra movement speed. e. gg and saw anecdotal evidence of some pros trying it. So just go Hail of Blades + Sorcery. Also, AD is, IMO at least, just better since the dragon E still does a ton of damage, but you're more resilient than wet tissue paper. The most optimal Mythic items for Garen currently are Trinity Force and Stridebreaker. 47%. ago. We track millions of LoL games played every day gathering champion stats, matchups, builds & summoner rankings, as well as champion stats, popularity, winrate, teams rankings, best items and spells. Kai'Sa vs Ezreal Build. disgusting laning phase if you are a sit down and farm kinda adc. Battle Fury Tryndamere's Passive. The item lost stats as well. I'll mostly rush BorK first item then. + Mobile. Ryan 'Morello' Scott stated Kha'Zix is completely unrelated to canceled champion Omen. In my opinion Goredrinker. Of course, you can go kraken, guinsoo, rageblade, bork, wits end, whatever, whatever. The damage from the active is decent for an active on a sub-20 second cooldown and the slow helps you run people down, or to slow. This is a great item for champions who wish to catch up to enemy champions and trade with them. If you cannot get in range ghost is probably better for you. Also read: Best ADCs to Pair With Pyke. Just give it a chance and you'll see that's pretty consistent. Stop nerfing our actual kit. I Rushed BORK and Ravenous Hydra then built defensive boots into Stridebreaker. 47%. I looked at other adcs and was like, "Yo let's build bork trinity and then random garbage". Glaical Augment is the best rune because of how Stridebreaker can proc the active. Trinity Force vs Stridebreaker. One Trick Pony. Better data, smarter filters, more regions: Shaco probuilds reimagined. 13, that will be changing. 66 % lower against Kai'Sa than the average opponent. Hecarim Jungle has a 50. Looking for a build to use this. Its a tough choice, but I don't think Garen/Darius utilize gore as well as say Aatrox. Jinx needs to kill someone to have her ms boost, Twitch can only go stealth as far as I can tell, no ms boost or dash, Aphelios is also immobile if I am not wrong. 398 Matches. Also you always ideally fight with ghost flash up. 400 Health. ; Threefold Strike's flat movement speed boost does not interact with other percentage increases. 5% Pick Rate 8. 16 CS - 8. Tryndamere's Abilities. U. 48%. While it may take some practice, she can use her quick combos to instantly burst down enemies before they get. Bottom line is that if stridebreaker is shorter than your attack range, there are better items for your champ. Champion Identity. can build 2 different mythics with comparable results. 110 / 95 / 80 / 80 / 80. U. The best way I can explain is: To counter Stridebreaker users in toplane. only changes are you go hail of blades (never go glacial augment that rune is now garbage), and sanguine blade after stridebreaker. Stridebreaker really shines against bruisers such as Riven, Irelia, and Jax who have a lot of mobility in 1 / 3 / 16. If you can't close the gap for the goredrinker healing and get kited to death goredrinker is going to feel pretty useless. Yo wtf, I got this during a reroll on one of my accounts and I don't even play akali. The sticking power feels great and 20% attack speed makes every combo much smoother than Goredrinker and clears faster. 22 % of the time which is 2. Welcome to the METAsrc Teamfight Tactics Guardbreaker Item build guide. Kai'Sa Leaderboard. CryptoBriar Passive causes her targets to bleed whenever they take damage from Briar's attacks, both abilities and basic attacks. After the new patch, and the nerfs on goredrinker + the buff on heal reduction last time, urgot kinda feels "no item left". BAUS has been using Prowler's Claw for the lethality build. Volibear Build Volibear Top Build, Runes & Counters. So much hp while still retaining incredible damage and even more reliable ganks. 94% win rate in LoL Patch 13. the idea is you stridebreaker them which slows them for a good duration of time, and auto + ult so that. Now, League of Legends Gameplay Design Director Mark “Scruffy” Yetter has confirmed that Black Cleaver, Maw of Malmortius, and Serpent’s Fang are getting buffs on. Samira builds a combo by dealing damage with attacks or abilities against enemy champions unique from the previous one. 4% win rate with 2. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. I was hyped when it was revealed on PBE during preseason but seeing champs like Sett , Garen and Darius run down my carries like they were nothing is just not fun . Join. 43% WR. very weak against multiple people more than some other heroes. Hence Maw has a 100%-135% AP ratio on the shield, or Everfrost. Tryndamere wins against Kai'Sa 51. I was scared that my comps would miss. U start vamp scepter, grab the 1000g item for botrk or pickaxe, end the botrk and start ur stridebreaker. 7% win rate with 4. 8% pick rate in Emerald + and is currently ranked B tier. Rather, Stridebreaker puts more strength into Garen's E, allowing you to engage onto people, and then stick onto. I usually run SB because I personally don’t like to build Bork unless the enemy comp is relatively tanky, which I rarely run into tanky team comps. Stridebreaker Xin Zhao. The key difference with this build is that stridebreaker helps you engage onto targets and also stick onto them at the cost of some tank stats, whereas frostfire only helps you stick on targets. Once she begins to snowball, she can start destroying teams with her ultimate, Inferno Trigger. 12. 31% Win Rate 24 / 26 Rank 27. There is a long-standing debate. 18. 11-percent win rate in the jungle, placing him just behind Xin Zhao in terms of. Stridebreaker gives tanks some heavy stats, but with its dash, it allows even an immobile champion to have a huge advantage in one-on-one fights. . just suited my style. 43% Score: 51. Goredrinker's mythic passive can grant up to 375 bonus health and 15 ability haste with 5 other Legendary items. The thing about trinity is that you can stack some kind of mini-conqueror which is good but with Darius you most of the time cant because it stacks only from autos, and as you already now Darius main dmg source are his combos. Stridebreaker on Aatrox (12. 23. I was actually thinking about this recently as well, that the new Stridebreaker could be good on Pyke similar to how it's good on Nocturne. 85 per bonus attack damage) magic damage to nearby enemies. Stridebreaker gives Garen the mobility to apply pressure safely and easily retreat when they send 3. Atm i like the stridebreaker better because of the immediate threat you have. 7% pick rate in Emerald + and is currently ranked A tier. Stridebreaker's (and its component Ironspike whip's) active essentially gives Hecarim a second q, which makes his clear speed even faster. Build ARAM Arena Nexus. 1 / 3 / 16. 134. Stridebreaker Garen still reigns supreme! Build Stridebreaker every game unless you deem otherwise. When Garen combined at least these three pieces. I GOT THE WORLD RECORD KAI'SA Q UPGRADE (SECRET 8 MINUTE EVOLVE HACK)League of Legends season 13 Kai'Sa Gameplay!Check out my website!:. This creates a new build. 12. Vs stridebreaker you want to keep your distance and sacrifice farm if needed. More likely it's that most of the items in Arena have both ratios added, at the rough value of 5% total AD = 3% AP. 13 was being tested on the PBE server, most players have already thought that Stridebreaker would be severely nerfed. then I decided to try something stupider. RAZGRIZTP • 6 days ago. One Trick Pony. 19, the official patch for the League of Legends World Championship! In terms of balance work, we're doing a final tuning pass on several champions who've had an outsized impact on the Pro scene this summer and otherwise doing more routine balance on champions (or builds) whose overall power level is out of.